Tuesday, August 2, 2016

WE ARE BACK...but not quite in full swing

After 3 full weeks of complete chaos (a.k.a Summer Break) we are slowly getting back into the swing of things. By slowly I mean we are starting off our first 6 weeks with 3 days of schooling a week. Tuesday through Thursday is our buckle down time. Getting back into the swing of things. Back into a routine. Back into a schedule-- I function much better with a schedule and so does everyone else! If we know what to expect from our day/week there are less melt downs, less fighting, less tantrums, and more fun. Don't get me wrong we do some spontaneous fun too, but the overall structure of our day/week is scheduled and that is what works best for us. 

So for our first day we had some fun and did some traditional fun things that I know will be nice to look back on when they are older.

 After pictures. They sat down and filled in some "About Me" type worksheets. Handwriting practice and a base to compare their progress to at the end of the year. We talked about what they would like to learn and explore so I will be looking into trying lapbooks this year. It's time to research and explore now!

I am currently working on our calendar and schedule. I will update those parts of my blog when I have them done! I had 3 weeks off too ya'll so I will be getting back into the swing of things and nailing down some plans as well.

We are Schooling as We Grow....thank you for joining us/keeping up with us on this journey!!

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