Our Set-Up

Our "Classroom" so a section of our basement. Cliche' yes...but it helps separate work time and every day play time. We do some things at the kitchen table, in the kitchen, in the livingroom with the TV because LEARNING is all day every day. Their little brains soak up and take in everything all the time. I tried to create a space to help them understand that we were also schooling not just playing. This is what we have so far, but I know it will continuously be changing as they grow:
This is our Art Supply Area, a little bit of everything can be found here!
 Supplies found at the Five Below store. Work books are GREAT for the vehicle as well as everyday.
 Some of my Usborne loot! Check it all the resources at www.k4213.myubam.com
 Organized Book shelves ya'll!
 It took a bit of time, but was so worth it!
 Odds and ends, flash cards, wrap ups, etc.
 Stage level reading books separated! This is a must so I can tell the kids to pick a book a book from level 1--they can choose what they are interested in while staying in their reading level. It has encouraged them so much already.
 Kits, games, and hands on stuff
 I purchased a roll of dry erase and tacked it to the wall. Bought some cheap border from the dollar tree and BAM...we have our own white board! I keep track of what each child does throughout the day in the bottom corner so at the end of the day I can have an accurate record of what was accomplished that day.
 I purchased a cheap clock, traced and cut out regular art paper and taped it to the back before hanging it on the nail. My 7 year old is doing excellent with clock learning and he can always just glance up to do quick reference if he needs it.
 The puzzle tower is available to the kids anytime they need a break or need busy work until I can start something else with them.
 Another section of the bookshelves in our little classroom. Seriously organization has already saved me some money. I had completely forgotten I had some of these books until I put them in an order easily available for when we are learning something specific
 The game shelf. These are all games that they can not play with without asking or they need help with it.
 The Usborne shelves, that are in no way able to hold all of the Usborne books we have (you might have spotted several in other pictures of bookshelves posted above. I am happy to be an Usborne consultant so I can provide all of these amazing books for my kids! Hit me up if I can help you with that! www.k4213.myubam.com
We have 2 student desks and one "teacher" desk, a filing cabinet and a few posters around the room. 

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