Tuesday, July 12, 2016

WooHoo It's Summer Break
But What does that mean for us?

We home school year round, so what does Summer break look like for us? Pretty much the same as everyone elses, but in a smaller dose....wait what?

We have 3 weeks off for Summer Break. July 11th through the 29th. BUT for the past 6 weeks and for the 6 weeks following our break we only school 3 days a week. Also because we run on a 6 week on 1 week off schedule we get more free time during the "school year" that those in a traditional school setting don't get.

What can I say about our homeschool journey so far....it has been AMAZING!! For those just clicking in to this blog I pulled my 6 and 7 year old from public school at the Winter/Christmas break (semester end). So for the entire second semester we have been on our home school journey and we are all so much happier. Less fighting, less struggle, less attitude, more sleeping, more family time, more one on one individualized learning.

We are DEFINITELY moving forward with home school and it works well for us. We have had some strange looks, some lost acquaintances, some snooty comments, and blatant eye rolling lip curling attitude from people but you know what....even that is a good learning experience for us. I saw US because we are all learning together, moving forward together, growing together and I wouldn't have it any other way.

So what does Summer break have in store for us? A water park trip, our first professional ball game, a couple Fairs, camping, swimming, exploring....yep just like everyone else! 

What about vacation? We have a little something in the planning stage, BUT we are waiting until school gets back in session so we don't have to fight the crowds hehe! 

During this siesta for the kids the home school mom role isn't so much on break. Sometime within this 3 weeks off I need to write up our year end reports (for our own record keeping purposes). Do some more research and get a schedule lined up for how we will be starting back up and I plan to get some projects planned out. BUT I can do all that pool side with a nice cool drink in my hand because it's Summer Time Baby!

Loving this journey! Schooling As We Grow!

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