Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Can I just take a minute to say how much we are LOVING home school! 

It seems like everyday my 7 year old son tells me he is so happy we do school at home for one reason or another. Today was one of those days, but it was also a day that meant something to me as well. 

We overslept because I forgot to set my alarm, so the kids and I had to all be ready and out of the house in just under an hour. My youngest had a check up with our pediatrician, which just so happens to be an almost hour commute. YUCK (but the doctor is worth it!) 

My 6 and 7 year old helped each other with breakfast and then helped me get necessities gathered (diaper bag, snacks, drinks, etc) while I was rushing myself through my bathroom routine (hair and makeup in under 15 minutes). As we are loading up I tell the kids to grab school work to do in the van on our is a normal occurrence if we are traveling for more than 10 minutes they bring stuff to do. 

On the way to the doctor's office my son reads two books aloud to us (which helps entertain my youngest who I am throwing fruit loops at from the driver seat) and they both accomplish 2 workbook pages. 

In the doctor's office room there is a set of rhyming flash cards- score! We sit in the floor and do those together. When the doctor walks in (have I mentioned that I seriously love our pediatrician) he says "Ahh the home school family that is always learning, with the mom who somehow finds time to do her hair while juggling it all." He then asks the kids how it is going and they both launch in and begin talking over each other to tell him all about how home school is to which he says "you are doing great mom!" Not even gonna lie, it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy to know our pediatrician supports us.

So we move on to a store and then out to lunch. I have the kids read the menu for themselves, choose what they want, and order when the waitress comes. After we are done eating we look through the receipt and add things together. I get the cash out so we can count how much we will need to pay and the kids are so EXCITED to be involved! I had my son get the right amount of money and take it to the counter to pay and get the change. The cashier praised him for being such a little gentleman--which you could see in his eyes just gave him a self confidence boost. ----See right there folks---real life math, a lesson in manners, and it made my kids heart grow! 

On the commute back they both did a couple more workbook pages and watched Word World (letter sounds and word building cartoon), and as soon as we got home they did their journal entry for the day. 

Homeschooling On The Go, Homeschooling in REAL Life, and something happened to each of us today to boost our confidence (Sis picked out a new dress for Easter and was told that she was very beautiful by the store lady). #homeschoolforthewin

We are into our 3rd month of homeschooling and I feel like we are so much more relaxed. We aren't in a constant rush and it is just....awesome (for lack of a better word). If the kids want to know something we look it up. If they want to cook/bake something we do it. We have a list of school things that need accomplished every day, which can be done all at once or throughout the day, and the rest of the time they can just be kids. Play, use their imagination, create, and be FREE from the hustle and bustle.


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