Monday, January 18, 2016


January 18th is day 11 of our home school and to say we are all learning isn't really descriptive enough.

J1 is LOVING it! He is taking everything in, encouraging C, thinking of ideas, constantly asking to learn and do more things. This boy has hit the ground running and is excited.

C likes to do what she likes to do and that is that. She is easily frustrated with learning new things. Her penmanship is what needs practice right now, but the poor girl hates writing. She loves computer time and art, but when it comes to worksheets and journal  Miss attitude makes her appearance.

What I have learned so far is that what we are doing is okay. I would like to get into a set daily schedule, but having J2 running around makes it hard to be strict about the clock....and that's okay. Having realistic expectations is something I have to work on. I can correct C 10 times a day for the same mistake and she just isn't getting it. BUT she just turned 6, does she really HAVE to get it right now?--No. She will learn, when she is ready.

Teaching and learning are everywhere. In this awesome world of tech we live in gives us great resources that make situations so much easier. I'm cooking lunch, J2 is cutting teeth, The laundry is taking over the couch....Hey kids, it's Science time, lets watch The Magic School Bus...for the win!

In a nutshell- we are learning. I am learning how each of my children learn best, which times of day they are most productive, and time management. What we are all learning is that we do not have to go by what society and the schools have taught us--that school must take 7 hours a day. We have been schooling on average 4 hours a day, and what I mean by schooling is worksheets, journal, reading, etc. Then they get to choose shows and computer games that are learning based for as long as they want. The best part is that they have time to play and use their imagination. At least an hour EVERY DAY is free play by themselves. More often than not C is dressed up playing princess whatever or Barbies, and J1 is building lego sets. Even all that is learning.

We are learning through life and loving it!

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