Thursday, January 21, 2016

Interesting articles

I will update this post as I find more. I was going to share them on my facebook page, but I don't want to start drama. Drama is not my thing. I feel strongly about some school/learning topics, but I also know that some of my "friends" don't. Because everyone else is doing the same thing is not the reason you should continue to do something you don't agree with, but hey that is just me. "Be the Change You Want to See in the World" I have said it before and I will say it again: This statement has a whole different meaning when that world is staring your children in the eye.

His Kindergarten the New First Grade--Yes it absolutely is. My kindergartener is learning what I remember learning in 1st grade. Last year when my son was learning it he was thriving, but I see my daughter is struggling with some things. It got me thinking--why is she forced to sit and learn this right now for such a long period of time. She is more of a play based learner as my son loves worksheets and "school" work. She learns differently and that is fine. She STRONGLY DISLIKES worksheets---because she writes nearly everything backwards and is constantly corrected. It discourages her and breaks down her spirit. She why is she being forced to learn something that may come completely natural to her in a year (when her mind is ready to learn it)? Now we do about 3 to 4 hours of "work" throughout the day, not in one sitting. The rest of the day is play time. Sometimes that is free play and sometimes we do games and such that are educational--play based learning.

Kindergarten the New First Grade:

This article lists are exactly why we chose to home school! I would also add getting them away from the constant peer pressure.

ADHD? Maybe they just learn differently and struggle with sitting for 6+ hours (school plus homework minus recess and lunch).

***The Common Core Project is a website that has master lists of curricula as well as standardized tests and states their stand with the common core standards. It is an incredibly helpful list while researching what will work best for you! *** UPDATE--THIS LIST IS AMAZING! I use it all the time!
This article, titled "Why are Homeschooled Kids So Annoying," is one of those articles you read and say "YES!"

This is exactly my oldest and I so glad I pulled him from public school this year. He is 7 and soaks up information. He is naturally curious, he has confidence with what he knows and wants to talk about it and ask questions about new things. He talks all the time and now that he is home schooled I feel like he can really flourish. In PS I could see him his natural personality changing right before my eyes. He was paying attention to what others were doing and taking it to heart when others were not interested in what he was. He wasn't able to explore and learn what he wanted to, and when he did it seemed to not be "cool" in his peers' eyes. He was annoying to people. He is back to his knowledge holding self and happy in home school. If he wants to talk about and learn about one topic all day, then that is exactly what we do. He cornered grandma the other day and talked about star wars characters for nearly an hour. He loved it and so did we!

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