Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Today is a short post, but I just want to say that LEARNING is everywhere. When we started home schooling this became apparent and I started pinpointing what they were learning with different activities. “Schooling” at home is not all about workbooks, flash cards, and writing assignments; it's in everything we do.

This morning I have some stuff I wanted to get done around the house, but it is still a school day for us and I didn't want to slack on that just to get some organizing done. So I combined the two! From the time my oldest was a baby I have kept all our kids DVDs in a large CD flip case and all their boxes in a tote in storage. I recently went through to weed out a lot of the DVD's they no longer want/like because they have grown out of them.

To most this just seems like a chore, but to us, it's a learning opportunity. My first grader was tasked with this project. By matching DVD's with their cases she was working on problem solving skills, reading, matching, organizing, and we even threw in a lesson about emotions when we get frustrated with daunting tasks.

Kids do these kind of things every day. Learning is everywhere, sometimes you just need to look at it in a different way to realize it.

Happy Learning ya'll.....Schooling as we grow!