Tuesday, June 7, 2016

School is still "in" this Summer

Public School is out for the Summer, but we are still chugging along. Why? To prevent Summer learning loss, to continue to stimulate their ever learning brains, to have “stuff” to do, and a whole host of other reasons.

We just came off of a two week break…yes two weeks. I had us scheduled for one week off, but we were tired plus had things to do so we took two weeks off instead….benefit of making our own schedule at its best! For the next several weeks we will be doing three day school weeks (it is Summer and we need all the sun we can soak up).  So Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday we will carve out a couple hours of time to sit and read, do math, writing, and whatever else we want to do.  At the end of this next 6 week stint we will have 3 weeks off before starting back up in new grades!

The plan for right now is to keep chugging along with reviewing, doing practice writing (I have one sloppy child that needs lots of practice), reading, reading comprehension, and did I say reading….there will be a lot of that. The kids are participating in a Library program for the Month of June and then a reading challenge through July.

On a personal note we now have a pool set up in our backyard, the kids have a makeshift pallet club house, the patio will be getting a chalk board for outside school time (and some play time I am sure) this week and the yard is nearly cleaned up for Summer enjoyment! I love watching the kids explore and use their imagination. They find toads daily, build habitats, plant apple seeds (or any seed they can find) daily in random places all over the yard, climb, jump, ride bikes and come up with clever ideas to make things. They play so well together, ages 6 and 7, I am so glad they have each other.

Enjoy Summer everyone! Don’t forget to keep giving kids things to do to exercise and expand their minds whether it be “school work” or free imagination time. They are learning as they grow!